Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oh yeah...

I knew my posts would get more disjointed as time went on, but this is ridiculous. I already forgot that Wednesday night, after the Convention Center closed its doors for the night, I went and saw Tropic Thunder at a private screening. It was, as expected, hilarious, and it had a special exclusive Comic Con intro (filmed, not live) with Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr.

On a less funny note, due to unforseen technical limitations, I will not be able to post the full audio of the interviews I'm conducting while at Comic Con until I get home. And even then some of them may not be easy on the ears, due to the Con being the worst possible place to get clean sound. If it's not something that I can post, I will do a transcript at a later point.

I'll get up my Thursday ravings sometime during the day on Friday. Thank goodness for the quiet, tucked away press room. Until then, here's a picture of Gizmo from Gremlins. Why? Because I can.

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